obscura tours
Atlas Obscura specializes in exciting explorations, urban adventures and revelations of history in plain sight. I have planned and managed multiple tours partnering with guides who share their expert knowledge with participants. Orchestrating these unique experiences involves many logistical challenges and ultimately results in truly magical experiences.
Coney island creek
Coney Island Creek is an often overlooked waterway located just a short walk from the popular Luna Park. Atlas Obscura and Underwater NY collaborated to bring participants into this strange environment. We encountered decaying ships, surreal views and the famous yellow submarine.
historical tours with robert amell
Robert Amell is an expert tour guide and historian with whom I have collaborated on several historical tours focusing on specific aspects of New York City history. By creating a narrative based around a specific focal point Rob and I are able to guide participants on a journey to another era. I am always amazed at the amount of history that is apparent all around us in the modern city.